I spent years in corporate America, ignoring the messages my body was sending me…
… rushing around, trying to play catch-up with the never-ending list of tasks and to-dos my job demanded. And then, I ended up in the emergency room with a burst ovarian cyst and a crystal-clear awareness that I was being told to change my life. I eventually listened, went back to school and earned my license in massage therapy, specializing in energy therapy.
Since 2002, after a dramatic life-reinvention, I’ve pursued practices, habits and teachings that center around returning to wholeness- body, mind and spirit. Yoga, prayer & meditation, energy work, sacred writing and poetry, natural remedies, gratitude journaling, altar-crafting and more - these are just some of the treasures that have enriched my and my clients’ lives over the past 2+ decades of study and committed practice. Adding licensed massage therapy was the next natural step for me, and has proven to be a pivotal aspect of my life’s calling- to channel and offer healing energy to those around me, both personally and professionally.

I’m entering your session with over 20 years of intense study and devoted practice in personal development, meditation, shamanic journeywork, tarot, channeling, ritual and altar crafting, spellwork & sacred feminine consciousness.
I’ve honed and deepened a solid and meaningful massage & energy work practice for over a decade, and carry a reiki master attunement alongside my ongoing study in visionary energy therapies and astrology of the midlife transition, particularly for women.
I believe in, and have experienced the deep healing that comes with Divine Love visitation in the treatment room. This is the most holy work I offer - and it’s available to anyone truly desiring to meet with the unconditional love of Spirit.
My calling is to offer safe sanctuary -
so you can restore equilibrium.
Transformational 1:1 sessions
What Is Ready To Heal In You?
Whether you are seeking massage therapy or a more numinous modality such as reiki, or life guidance through the sacred tarot, you will come away knowing you were seen and met by an authentic witness & wise guide.
We are more and larger than the bodies we see. You and I will address and honor the whole self without judgment; welcoming in your particular healing process to do its most beautiful work at every ready level.

Reach out about a FREE 30-min consultation