Becoming the Mother-Creature is a destination-absent journey. it commences and you begin unraveling. It is exhilarating, exhausting, confusing, beautiful, brutal and utterly dismantling. In the beginnings, at the seasonal shifts, in the crossroads of choices to be made, in the middle of the night when the only consultant you have is your spirit and the silent angels ~

this is where softly-offered support, confident encouragement and holy, invisible anchors can help keep you steady in the midst of the unending movement that is mamahood. you may feel overwhelmed. you may feel isolated. but you are not truly alone.

come into a nourishing circle of mothers to be held awhile, and reoriented to your new sacred north star. Your Mother Star.

Mother Star is a self-paced online offering that provides teachings and conversations around the themes of 7 sacred cards, tarot spreads specific to the mother’s journey of death, rebirth and the new-life construction that is parenthood.

You will hear from different women at different stages in their mothering journeys. Video, audio, writing, tarot spread images and a whole lotta love for you, mama!

Tarot wisdom. Wisdom from other mothers. conversation. encouragement. comfort. receive this sacred service in honor of your becoming. you are not alone.

mothering the mother.

the women behind the magic

Tarot for the mother. that’s you, dear heart.

7 tarot cards that offer up ancient, archetypal wisdom alongside practical resourcing to bolster your heart, fill your inner cup and inspire your service as mother.



The maiden in you has been put aside in many ways, at many levels. She is not dead, but she is no longer your primary identity. The Mother Creature has taken root in your flesh and mind. She has profound wisdom to cultivate in your emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.

Mother Star honors the new homing star of your mother soul - a grounded-yet-cosmic anchoring point that acknowledges the unending changes, pivots and adjustments that mark the mother woman’s path.

You are in service to life, to wholeness and healing for your children. Let Mother Star be a guiding light in the often-deep darkness that accompanies your sacred calling to love and nurture what you have brought forth into the earth.

Mother Star Tarot Teachers

XVI-The Tower • Queen of Wands • IX- The Hermit • III- The Empress • XII- The Hanged Man • XVII- The Star • XIV- Temperance

your wise counselor is you. tap in to your inner teacher. She knows what you need.

Seven tarot medicine cards to bring clarity, encouragement, hope, inspiration and revelation on the path of your motherhood.

With tarot spreads that ask the questions that matter, giving space to uncover answers and insight into the murky waters of the often-intense journey.

Available Now

from Wildish Woman School

Sarah is entering each offering with over 20 years of intense study and devoted practice in personal development, meditation, shamanic journeywork, tarot, channeling, ritual and altar crafting, spellwork & sacred feminine consciousness. She’s honed and deepened a solid and meaningful bodywork practice for over a decade, and carries a reiki master attunement alongside her study in the astrology of the midlife transition, particularly for women.

She works with clients in the treatment room to restore balance, remove blocks and find greater holistic wholeness in body, mind and heart through several different modalities including massage, energy therapies, tarot guidance, spiritual channeling and intuitive direction. Mother, wife, healer, teacher, witch, woman. You are in good hands.

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